2019 PGHHNA Officers Election

Dear PGHHNA Members,
According to the PGHHNA bylaws, our officers election should have taken place in December 2018; however, this year, members agreed to have the election on January 8, 2019. 
Given that most of the PGHHNA members will not be able to attend the January 8th meeting, the steering committee wants to  ensure that everyone has a chance to participate in the election process. 
That said, please complete the ballot below, submitting your vote no later than 11:59p on January 16, 2019. Your vote will automatically be sent to the PGHHNA Secretary for recording purposes. (Note: Voting was extended an extra day given that the ballot was erroneously removed from the site too soon.)
If you have any questions, please let us know. 
Thank you,
The PGHHNA Steering Committee

Thank you for attempting to vote; however, voting is now closed.

Results will be communicated to PGHHNA members by February 12, 2019.

PGHHNA Steering Committee