Frequently Asked Questions

I keep seeing people walking pit bull dogs in the neighborhood. I thought pit bull terriers were outlawed in P.G.County. Are they legal now?

No. Pit bull terriers, which include Staffordshire terriers, American Staffordshire terriers, American pit bull and mixes of same were outlawed in 1997 by P.G. County Code Section 3-185.01. It is illegal to possess, breed, sell, give away pit bull adults or puppies. You can report or lodge a complaint through “311” or call Animal Management at 301-780-7251. If you see a pit bull loose on the street, avoid making contact and report it. Call 911 in an emergency situation.

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I had people knock on my door who were wearing loud green t-shirts with “PGHHNA Lanham, MD” on the front. Who were these people?

A few members do go into the community with those tee shirts and say Hi. They are part of the PGHHNA “Hi, Neighbor” initiative. Lots of folks are shocked, but pleasantly so. The initiative is based on a policy of engagement which gets people to meet neighbors, spread good will and useful information. Join PGHHNA and you can get one of those tee shirts-FREE! But, be ready for people to ask you, “what is PGHHNA?” Become a member and you can share in the vision, and then tell them all about us!

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What do I do about my neighbors loud music?

Call the PGC Police non-emergency telephone number 301-352-1200. Wait, listen to menu and select option number 5,”… an officer dispatched to your location”. The noise ordinance is in effect 24/7. Be patient!

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I am afraid to approach my neighbor about their tall grass and/or messy property. What should I do?

The County 311 service request system is your best bet. Call and make your complaint, and be sure you get and keep your case number. Send a copy to, as we are logging and checking on action or no action taken on service requests in our community.

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How do we get hazardous sidewalks fixed?

This is a dangerous situation, the PGHHNA president had the same experience recently. Neighbors need to consider the good old tried and true petition with signatures of the neighbors. 311 is a route to take for isolated cases, but PGHHNA suggests writing District 3 Councilwoman Dannielle Glaros with your concerns. Send a hard copy letter instead of e-mail.

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